SWPACA Roommate Request Service
SWPACA provides a roommate service for those individuals wanting to share conference hotel expenses. We cannot, of course, guarantee that people who advertises their desire to find a roommate will find a suitable roommate and we are not liable for problems that may arise. This page is meant only as a service to advertise your need for a roommate with others who need roommates.
The SWPACA does NOT become involved in room accommodations related to roommates; in other words, working out how roommates will pay for the rooms and who will room with whom is strictly up to the people involved. This site exists only as a convenience for attendees who want to find a roommate.
Below, locate the gender that you identify with, then 1) Post the information listed below in a comment, and 2) review the existing posts for a potential match.
1) First name, Last initial
2) Email Address/other contact information
3) Dates needed
4) Other information that would be useful to a potential roommate
If you withdraw from the conference please contact your roommate ASAP.